Evolution of Online Poker: Ready to Appeal to Millennials & Gen Z

  • Poker
  • Written by Anette
  • Posted on August 20, 2021
Home News & Articles Evolution of Online Poker: Ready to Appeal to Millennials & Gen Z

Last year changed many things, and in the case of online poker, it created a perfect atmosphere for the activity to thrive. People stayed indoors, while plenty of free time quickly showed the masses needed new forms of online entertainment. The solution for many of them was poker.

At the same time, sporting events around the world were cancelled, which had a severe impact on sports betting. Land-based casinos and card rooms were closed, forcing players to turn their attention to online poker. The popularity of online poker increased, with its traffic recording a staggering increase of 30%.

Putting an End to the Decline of Online Poker

The circumstances drove players towards online poker while operators made sure they stick around. The online poker industry went over and beyond to reshape itself over the last couple of years, adjusting the game to make it more appealing to casual players and creating new formats aimed at millennials and generation Z.

The game has been targeting new audiences over the recent years, especially younger players and the trend should continue in the coming period. After spending the last decade working on rebalancing online poker, the industry is finally starting to reap the benefits. According to the latest estimates, online poker should continue to grow, doubling the market by 2027.

Something had to be done, as poker had stopped being entertaining to millennials, who turned their attention to esports and other verticals. A decade ago, online poker was getting in a downward spiral. Loyalty programmes offered by the leading sites were focused on rewarding the most successful players.

Focusing on Recreational Players

Such an approach ignored recreational players. They didn’t stand a chance against their skilled opponents, who often used tracking software to accurately determine their weaknesses. Since the game was no longer fun, newbies simply stopped playing online poker. No one minds losing a bit if the overall process is entertaining, but losing too much money too quickly can hardly be called appealing. Millennials turned their attention to other verticals, and particularly esports. Online poker was slowly destroying itself.

Poker assets on computer
Read more about the steps that the online poker industry took to make game more appealing to millennials and Generation Z.

On the other hand, the leading professionals, including some of the biggest names in online poker, felt betrayed when operators created new game formats and adjusted loyalty schemes to draw the recreational players back. However, these decisions were necessary to make sure the game survives in the long run.

The influx of new online poker players was beneficial not only to operators but also to the live game, feeding the scene with winners and increasing the prize pools.

Here you can play best online poker variants

A Game for Everyone

Online poker has stopped being a game reserved for professionals, and today the majority of users are players who are there just to have fun. The introduction of quick game modes focused on excitement, appealing to players who can’t spend vast amounts of time enjoying the game.

Millennials and Generation Z want an experience that will immediately entertain and engage them. They don’t want to spend hours sitting at a table, doing nothing but folding hand after hand. Formats like fast poker, heads up play, and spin tournaments are the main factors behind the recent rise of online poker. Adding in-game missions and social elements to the game will continue the trend and take it to an entirely new level.

Game developers are integrating other games into online poker, further adding to the excitement. The ultimate goal is to offer millennials and generation Z players an enjoyable setting where they’ll be able to enjoy online gambling in accordance with their own wishes. Growth is now driven by new game modes and casual players and not by the professional community. This is the only viable scenario, as otherwise, online poker would have collapsed by now. Visit OnlineGambling24.com to find more articles like this.

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